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Choose your pricing plan

Find one that works for you

  • Starter

    Every month
    Perfect for Content Creators, Artists + Producers, Managers
    Valid for 6 months
    • Unlimited posts and updates
    • Share and promote your early releases
    • Free custom bio-link to promote and share your media links
    • Support and Communication Access
  • Creator Plan | Monthly

    Get limited audio distributed, monetize and promote
    Valid for 3 months
    • Limited Distribution & Publishing access
    • Monetize + Earn from your Bio-links or music page
    • Limited Marketing, Press & Future Fest Access
  • Best Value

    Record Label Starter

    Every 6 months
    Record Label Starter plan for 6-months full access
    Valid for 12 months+ 2 day free trial
    • Monetize your bio link
    • Distribution & Publishing Catalog Management & Admin
    • Online Management & Merchandise or Product Shops
    • Sale your music or visual content directly on SOUND+
    • Unlimited marketing and press distribution features
    • Unlimited virtual chats and team meeting
    • Earn 90% of all digital royalties distributed via SOUND+
    • Network & Communicate with other SOUND+ members

All plans include a free membership

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